The initial Wendekreisen Carbon Offset Project (2014-2019) and some advocational submissions by Wendekreisen to the Ministry for the Environment, communicated our mission to the wider academic network with an interest in voluntary environmental protection.
Educators contacted Wendekreisen in July 2016 to introduce a theoretical native tree planting initiative as an alternate means to combat climate change. Although we were still contractually committed to the Wendekreisen Carbon Project, our directors were keen to see its conversion and pledged support from early on.
By November 2016, Trees that Count was established and trading trees to the New Zealand public and supporting businesses. The organisation is largely funded by the Tindall Foundation as part of the Project Crimson. Trees that Count utilise funds generated by tree sales to supply voluntary efforts of planters and those who donate land. It proved to be a huge success and to date has counted a total of over 2 million native trees that have been planted in New Zealand.
Wendekreisen will support Trees that Count by funding the planting of trees per hire pending the length of that hire. This is integrated into our reservation systems and displayed in all quotations. The number of trees planted per hire depends on the following logic:
- A rental duration 5 days to 20 days = one tree to be planted
- A rental duration 21 days to 41 days = two trees to be planted
- A rental duration 42 days or longer = three trees to be planted
Our integrated reservation system summarises our ‘Tree Debt’ over time. Wendekreisen is committed to fund the planting of these trees with Trees that Count. By considering our current booking volumes and average rental duration, we estimate that this project will fund in excess of 3,000 NZ native trees from 1st April to 31st March each year.